Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/27/2010 9:50PM
Uganda; day 149

Today was our last full day in Uganda, it was a busy day. We started this morning with white water rafting, we’d planned on going earlier but the company kept having to reschedule it, so it ended up being today. I have to say it was a good way to spend our last day here. We rafted for about 4 hours going between calm waters all the way to grade 5 1/2 rapids. Our raft flipped over twice and a big wave took Kurt out on his own once. It was a ton of fun, and only a little scary a couple of times. We ended our rafting adventure around 6:00 which gave us just enough time to take our last trip to the the home. It was strange going through our normal routine of walking to the taxi park, getting a local taxi to Wanyange and walking the dirt road to the home knowing it was the last time. The children all greeted us with hugs and many more hugs followed as we said our goodbyes. We’re leaving our hotel at 10:00AM tomorrow for the airport. I don’t think it’s sunk in quite yet that this little part of our lives is coming to an end.

The airways have had all kinds of problems lately so keep us in your prayers as we travel home. Pray for safe flights and no delays!


Monday, May 24, 2010


5/24/2010 1:30PM
Uganda; day 146

We said goodbye to our new friends from Cal Baptist University yesterday. They went home after three busy weeks of doing God’s work to their best. They made our last month here very eventful and encouraging.

I’ve learned many things during our time here, and my life has truly been changed because of those things, but last week after being in Uganda for 140 days I finally realized why God sent me to this specific place. We had a job to do here, and we’ve been doing parts of it without even realizing it, and finally God opened my eyes to see. I’ll spare the details, but the situation has reminded me that God’s timing is perfect, and all we have to do is trust him and do what he leads us to do.

We go home in 4 days, the thought of leaving the children is a sad one for me, at this point I don’t know if God will call me back to this place. I will miss their little smiling faces, and their big hugs. But it will also be so wonderful to be with family.

Prayer points:

-that we will finish our last 4 days here well.

-that we will have a safe trip home

-that God will direct us in our next step

-that he will continue to protect and provide for the children at the home

-that he will guide the people in charge of the home as they make decisions.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

5/13/10 9:38PM
Uganda; day 135

Things have been so busy lately it’s hard to keep track of all the wonderful things I’ve been able to share in.
We went to a small church yesterday and the team did a VBS for about 30 children. It was a much smaller group then any of the previous have been but I think it was a blessing for the team to be able to relax a little and get to work with the kids on a more personal level.

This morning we started off at Revival Center Church, we worked with the children there with our team in January and really enjoyed it so it was really cool to be able to go back again with this team. They did the creation story for the VBS and it went great. The presentation, and crafts they brought were both really cute and they did a couple sing-a-long songs that brought back many memories of my sunday school days. I loved watching the kids sing them. Once the team was done Moses, one of the local pastors did an awesome job presenting the gospel and we were blessed to welcome more little ones into the family of Christ.

One of the most surprising things about today was that we actually finished on time. It was a really good day for that to happen because we had to be at Calvary Chapel by 1:00PM to help with the youth conference. So after we stopped by the hotel to have a quick lunch of PB&J sandwiches (made with G-nut butter) we headed to Calvary. The first day of the youth conference was even better then I’d hoped it would be. The lessons were good, discussing being doers of the word. Our small group was AWESOME I was working with the oldest group of girls, and they had much more bible knowledge then I’d expected. It made for some very engaging and challenging conversations. I think how much they know is a good testimony of the work the people with Calvary are doing with their normal bibles studies. I’m totally excited about working with them over the next two days.

Today has been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. I can see so much fruit coming from the hard work people have been doing in different ministries here, and I’m confident God will reward them for their faith.


Monday, May 10, 2010

VBS day 1

5/10/10 9:00PM
Uganda day 132

If I had drawn a picture of what I imagined ministry in Africa was like before I came here, it would have been very close to what I saw today. There were little mud huts, around a small mud church, reached only by an overgrown dirt road. The church was full of children when we arrived, and soon after there were many more outside. Most of the children were orphans, and those that had parents had little more.

They’d expected 80-100 children, but about 250 showed up. The team did a great job working with the children, and thankfully they had enough supplies for everyone. Once the team was done with their craft, message, and song one of the local pastors shared the Gospel. 100 children and 4 adults prayed to accept Christ as their savior. That’s such a large number it’s hard to absorb the impact such a small amount of time in ministry can have. I would have been thrilled to hear even 1 person accepted Christ, but apparently God had bigger plans. I was also happy to hear that all of their names were written down by the pastors in their area and they will be discipled.

I love working with the people that are already believers, but it was so awesome to be able to reach out to the lost today. I’m excited to do more of both in the future. It was an unforgettable day.

Prayer points

-That God will continue to use the team for His purposes this week.

-That He will continue to prepare the hearts of the people we will be ministering too.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

5/10/10 7:30AM
Uganda; day 132

Yesterday the team went to Calvary Chapel with us, it was nice to be able to share where we’ve been going to church during our stay here with them. They played some awesome songs, that made you think about serving God with all your heart, which was a great way to start the day. The message was also good, he talked about Romans 13 which is a hard one for some of us to follow.

After church the team headed to the home to work with the children there. We were able to hand out the bibles the team brought with them, so now every child at the home has their own bible. It was really great to see how excited some of them were, and I pray they put them all to use. After we handed out the bibles we split into three groups separated by age and taught them some basic bible study tips, and spoke to them about how important it is to read daily, and to apply it to their lives. It was the beginning of a week of study groups we have to do with them, I’m really excited to be working with them on some of the issues we’ve noticed during our stay here. We’re blessed to have a great team to work with, full of people with different gifts for different ages, which is really perfect, not only for the ministry at the home but also for the VBS that we’ll be starting today.

Having the team here makes such a huge difference with the ministries we’re able to do and it’s been such a blessing to have people here to relate to.

Prayer Points

that the ministries we will be doing in the villages this week will be effective and we will be able to touch the lives of the children there.

that the study groups we are having at the home will break through some barriers, and help the children to grow more in their relationship with Christ.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

The team has arrived!

5/6/10 10:15PM
Uganda; day 128

The team is here! They arrived yesterday morning. While we were waiting for them to show up at the airport I got so excited Kurt had to tell me to calm down for once instead of me telling him.

After their long journey they were all pretty worn out, so Kurt and I came back to the home after lunch and left them all to catch up on some much needed sleep. They were all refreshed and ready to go this morning though! We all went to one of our favorite cafe’s in town for some yummy sandwiches and fresh juice, and then after a quick trip down main street we headed to the home.

Watching them, and listening to their reactions and thoughts on being here has brought back so many memories of our first few weeks here. It also made me realize how different everything is now, it’s almost like seeing a before and after picture, sometimes you forget how drastic the change is until you have them side by side.

They hit it off with the children at the home pretty quickly, it wasn’t long before the children were teaching them songs, and games, and vice versa. My favorite part of today I think was watching the team teach the kids the Macarana. They’ll be here working with the children at the home all day tomorrow, and then next week we’ll be doing vacation bible schools for children in different villages. It will be a great opportunity for us to reach out to some of the children that don’t know Jesus yet.

It’s so great to have people from home here, and I’m sure we’ll be doing some awesome work together!


Friday, April 30, 2010

The beginning of the end

4/30/10 12:00PM
Uganda; day 122

The teams arrival is just around the corner! I’m so excited they’re almost here, not only because it will be awesome to have some company from home but because of all the ministry opportunity’s we will have while they’re here. We’re going to be able to work with a couple different churches, doing a vacation bible school at one, and helping with a youth conference at Calvary Chapel, which I’m totally looking forward to. There’s also a chance we might be able to do some ministering in one of the villages, and of course we’ll be working at the home. I’m so ready to be busy doing God’s work!

For those of you that aren’t aware we’re in our last month here. We leave for Seattle in 28 days. I think this month will be a great ending to our trip, and I’m so going to enjoy spending time with my family in WA when we leave. What comes after that, only God knows . . . I sure hope He fills us in soon.
