Thursday, May 13, 2010

5/13/10 9:38PM
Uganda; day 135

Things have been so busy lately it’s hard to keep track of all the wonderful things I’ve been able to share in.
We went to a small church yesterday and the team did a VBS for about 30 children. It was a much smaller group then any of the previous have been but I think it was a blessing for the team to be able to relax a little and get to work with the kids on a more personal level.

This morning we started off at Revival Center Church, we worked with the children there with our team in January and really enjoyed it so it was really cool to be able to go back again with this team. They did the creation story for the VBS and it went great. The presentation, and crafts they brought were both really cute and they did a couple sing-a-long songs that brought back many memories of my sunday school days. I loved watching the kids sing them. Once the team was done Moses, one of the local pastors did an awesome job presenting the gospel and we were blessed to welcome more little ones into the family of Christ.

One of the most surprising things about today was that we actually finished on time. It was a really good day for that to happen because we had to be at Calvary Chapel by 1:00PM to help with the youth conference. So after we stopped by the hotel to have a quick lunch of PB&J sandwiches (made with G-nut butter) we headed to Calvary. The first day of the youth conference was even better then I’d hoped it would be. The lessons were good, discussing being doers of the word. Our small group was AWESOME I was working with the oldest group of girls, and they had much more bible knowledge then I’d expected. It made for some very engaging and challenging conversations. I think how much they know is a good testimony of the work the people with Calvary are doing with their normal bibles studies. I’m totally excited about working with them over the next two days.

Today has been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. I can see so much fruit coming from the hard work people have been doing in different ministries here, and I’m confident God will reward them for their faith.


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