Monday, May 10, 2010

VBS day 1

5/10/10 9:00PM
Uganda day 132

If I had drawn a picture of what I imagined ministry in Africa was like before I came here, it would have been very close to what I saw today. There were little mud huts, around a small mud church, reached only by an overgrown dirt road. The church was full of children when we arrived, and soon after there were many more outside. Most of the children were orphans, and those that had parents had little more.

They’d expected 80-100 children, but about 250 showed up. The team did a great job working with the children, and thankfully they had enough supplies for everyone. Once the team was done with their craft, message, and song one of the local pastors shared the Gospel. 100 children and 4 adults prayed to accept Christ as their savior. That’s such a large number it’s hard to absorb the impact such a small amount of time in ministry can have. I would have been thrilled to hear even 1 person accepted Christ, but apparently God had bigger plans. I was also happy to hear that all of their names were written down by the pastors in their area and they will be discipled.

I love working with the people that are already believers, but it was so awesome to be able to reach out to the lost today. I’m excited to do more of both in the future. It was an unforgettable day.

Prayer points

-That God will continue to use the team for His purposes this week.

-That He will continue to prepare the hearts of the people we will be ministering too.


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